Refund And Cancellation Policy

Refund Policy

Our software is distributed through downloads and also through CD or USB media. The serial number is issued along with the invoice when you make the purchase. You can install the product and use the same without any other form of assistance from us.

We will not be able to provide any refund or return for downloaded software. If you have purchased the software with the media from us and if you have not opened the same then you can return the unopened package to us within seven days from the receipt of the package. We will replace the package if there has been any physical damage to the product. Courier charges may apply. If you have purchased through any of our affiliates or channel partner, then kindly contact them for the same.

If for any technical reason, the software purchased is not working in your PC, then we will investigate and try to provide a solution that works properly, with normally used applications like MS Office or InDesign etc. If we are not able to provide a solution, then we will take the product back and will initiate a full refund to you, as a special case. The refund will be made through the same payment channel through which the payment was made and will be done within seven working days.

Cancellation Policy

Orders placed can be cancelled successfully if they have not been despatched or mailed to you. If you cancel the order before the despatch, then we will cancel your order and will initiate a full refund. The refund will be made through the same payment channel through which the payment was made and will be done within seven working days.